Leadership during a pandemic

If you are leading a team, this is likely to be a highly pressurised time for you. This is how I personally manage the pressure:


Given that meetings are online the valuable face-to-face communication you need to assess and support your team is lacking. It can help at the start of each meeting to be more open about how you are feeling personally. This gives your team permission to do the same and allows some space to be heard. I simply want my team to acknowledge what they are feeling, and I don't need to fix anything for them.

Being positive whilst acknowledging the negative

Maintaining a balanced view is a reasonable way to look at life right now, and in general. It is important that you hold the vision and keep momentum towards goals. A positive perspective is needed. However, I don't ignore or gloss over any negatives. Bringing all aspects of this situation into the light will help keep everyone grounded and will help them avoid catastrophic thinking.

A silver lining

I am spending more time than ever with my family. This is wonderful but can be at the cost of time alone. As a means of self-care I am finding myself deep in personal reflection on a regular basis. If you feel drawn to reflect more on your career, your life, anything at all - make time for it. It might be your silver lining.

Be good to yourself,
