Isla Kleboe


Flower arrangement with garden flowers

I thought the pink and yellow colours would look pretty together, and I managed to integrate the yellow through the variegated lemon balm. Seeing as we didn't have much greenery, I used bamboo which I thought provided good contrast with the rounded shapes of the rose.


geranium palustre

erysimum cheiri

astrantia major

taraxacum officinale

centranthus ruber

fargesia murielae

melissa officinalis

Design projects I've made within and outside of school


Inspiration: My mum's hairpieces that she wears for parties.

Materials: This was made with a bone from the beach, jewellery wire, a gold chain, jump rings, and pearl beads. 

Challenges: The bone was quite dirty, so I had to look into ways to clean it. I used hydrogen peroxide, which worked well. There was also the issue of fixing the chain to the bone, which I solved by wrapping the bone in gold wire.

Time to craft : Once the bone was bleached, about 45 minutes


Inspiration: The plants in my room.

Materials: I used a 3D pen, jump rings, and earring hooks.

Challenges: This took me around 10 attempts to get right. I kept making mistakes but once I got it I recieved compliments on them from my teachers and classmates.

Time to craft : Including failed attempts, 2 hours. Not including fails, 20 minutes.


Inspiration: The spiked beads.

Materials: Beads and stretchy string.

Challenges: It was difficult to make sure each section was the same length, and I ended up making it symmetrical. I think it has a unique look and I really like the spiky design.

Time to craft : 1 hour


Inspiration: Bird ocarinas and patterns in art class.

Materials: Clay and glaze.

Challenges: The beak fell off a couple times, and the glaze wasn't fired at the right temperature causing some to rub off, but overall I think it turned out really cute. It does make an ocarina noise and many people asked me how I got the surface so smooth. That was the part that took me the longest.

Time to craft : 8 hours over 8 weeks.


Inspiration: Flowers, leaves and vines.

Materials: Clay and glaze.

Challenges: It took me a long time to smooth the clay out, and the brown glaze shows as I applied too much. However, the people that ran Clay Club, where I made this, complimented the finish and said the colours were very vibrant.

Time to craft : 7 hours over 7 weeks.


Wed | 4:00pm - 7:00pm

Thurs | 4:00pm - 7:00pm

Fri | 1:30pm - 7:00pm

Sun | 9:00am - 7:00pm



Studying towards National 5's in Maths, English, Gaelic, Chemistry, Geography, Psychology, Art and Design, and Design and Manufacture.

CONTACT DETAILS  |  |  +44 7928 620100  |  Age : 14